Airlines start including Covid Travel insurance with ticket

Some airlines have already introduced a form of travel insurance protection for COVID situations. Etihad is one – see below. Two Months ago Emirates, Lufthansa and Virgin Atlantic all introduced such insurance. News has just been received that Canadian Airline … Read more

A recently released report has revealed that the majority of consumers are ready to consider local and international travel – and that many more will book through an established travel agent than would have before COVID-19 struck. Contrary to what some … Read more

Whilst we will be posting stories about travel to entice, we also believe that a realistic approach to update is important. This travel writer (The Age Newspaper) has some salient points. It is also interesting to see comments to see … Read more

What’s All This About Travel Refunds & Credits?

There’s been a lot of discussion about travel credits and refunds recently and, where refunds are being issued, why they’re taking so long to be processed. It can be a minefield to navigate, so hopefully, this video can help shed … Read more